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Hello dear students and parents!

The English language is present in Brazilian daily lives through music, songs, product packaging, internet, technological devices among others. Did you know that learning English can be a lot of fun and easy? The sooner you acquire this language, the better. So let's study English in a fun and pleasurable way! How? By using oral, reading, writing practices, as well as, linguistic knowledge and intercultural dimensions, after all, appropriating a language is also getting to know about the different cultures of the native peoples belonging to it! For this, we selected some activities involving music and songs (repertoire of adults, adolescents and children), series, games (such as flipcards), making playful educational materials, among others. Have a great study!

-Liziane da Rosa Uggioni (Pedagogical Coordinator)

Olá, queridos estudantes e pais!

A língua inglesa está presente no dia a dia de nós brasileiros, por meio de músicas, embalagens de produtos, internet, aparelhos tecnológicos, entre outros. Sabia que aprender inglês pode ser muito divertido e fácil? Quanto mais cedo adquirir este idioma, melhor. Então, vamos estudar inglês de maneira divertida e prazerosa utilizando práticas de oralidade, leitura, escrita, conhecimentos linguísticos e dimensão intercultural. Afinal, apropriar-se de um idioma também é conhecer as diferentes culturas dos povos nativos pertencentes a ele! Para isso, selecionamos algumas atividades envolvendo músicas e canções (de repertórios infantil, adolescente e adulto), seriados, jogos (como flipcards), confecção de materiais pedagógicos lúdicos, entre outras. Ótimo estudo!

-Liziane da Rosa Uggioni (Coordenadora Pedagógica)


      Aqui temos diversas atividades incríveis para aprender e aprimorar o seu inglês:
      Clique Aqui|       Clique Aqui      
      Clique Aqui|       Clique Aqui      
      Clique Aqui|       Clique Aqui      
      Clique Aqui|       Clique Aqui      
      Clique Aqui|       Clique Aqui      
      Clique Aqui|       Clique Aqui      
      Clique Aqui|       Clique Aqui      
      Clique Aqui


Here's an easy and effective way to make a 'days of the week' wheel for preschoolers. They can turn the dial in the middle to the right day, and can explore 'tomorrow', 'the day after tomorrow', 'yesterday' etc.

Thick card or paper plate;
Pen and ruler;
Crayons to decorate;
Popsicle stick;
Hole punch;
Butterfly clip.

Cut a circle out of thick card or use a paper plate.
Divide your circle into seven or eight wedges with ruler and pen. Seven wedges looks neater as you have one wedge for each day of the week. However, eight wedges is quick and easy and you don't need to measure (just divide into quarters then divide each quarter into two pieces).

We went for 8 segments which was easiest to mark out

Write a day of the week in each wedge. If you made eight wedges you could write something like 'Days of the week' in the spare wedge.

Pay Attention: Preschoolers can have fun colouring the wedges in with crayon.

To make the dial, first cut off the end of a popsicle stuck with scissors to get the right length.
Make a hole in one end with a hole punch.

Make a small hole in the centre of the card wheel with a skewer.
Attach the popsicle stick dial to the wheel with a butterfly fastener through both holes.

Your 'days of the week' wheel is now ready to use. Have fun!
